Sunday, August 01, 2004

It's Been awhile...again

Well, it has been a couple of weeks since I've posted anything. I don't know why? I should really keep this blog up to date. Could be because I'm busy or just too damn lazy. Either way I'll update it when I'm damn good and ready. As you can see by the photo I have completed another successful Marathon. It's was on the 24th of July and what a bitch. All downhill with some uphill wind in your face for some of the time. I was a sore sumbitch after this baby. More sore than the 4 previous. I'm over the soreness and ready and training for the next one Sept. 18th and stoked to do it. They're tough but I get through them. It's not the worst thing in the world, I just think about those Ultra Marathoners. Now what a bunch of tough bastards, running 50k's 100k's and 100 milers. Shit man! I'll do it one of these days just got to get a few more marathons under my belt. For now 26.2 is where i'm at and happy to be here. Personal congrats to Lance Armstrong for kick'n ass on the world and taking his 6th Tour de France. He is definitely positive motivation for any endurance sport. Way to go Lance. I will rant later, I won't ruin this post with other BS. 2004 Deseret News Marathon Finish Posted by Hello