Sunday, May 23, 2004

Marathon #3

Well I successfully completed Marathon #3 Saturday. It was quite an adventure. With a weather forcast of 30% chance of T-storms we didn't get so lucky. It was hail and brimstone. It started raining at about mile 3 and didn't let up until mile 18 or 19. It rained and hailed with lighning and thunder and was miserably cold. It was definitely a challenge for all 800 runners who dared run. It was a feat only the strong would survive. And near as I could tell the whole lot of marathoner's who should survived. Now I'm fairly new to the sport of marathoning, these people are a different breed of folks, for sure. For someone to want to runf 26.2 miles in just about any condidtion is insane but these people sign up time and time again to run and endure the self inflicted physical torture one must endure to cross the finish line. But in the end, what a feeling of accomplishment. My calves and thighs burn by mile 20 so one must dig deep inside to find the personal fortitude to cross that line. It's a most gratifying feeling when you cross with all the spectators, family members there to cheer and greet the pain staked runner's. So since January I've completed 3 marathon's and plan to complete at least 4 or 5 more before the end of this year. I know, it's friggin nuts but it's great even the risidual muscle soreness the few days after. But you saddle back up and prepare for the next one. I made a PR (personal record) during this run considering the weather lowering my time to 3:56:15.5, beating my Salt Lake Marathon time by seven minutes. You say only seven minutes, well in those last seven minutes a lot of things could happen. So, I'll take the sub 4 hour time and run with it, so to speak. Now the goal is to lower it again and again eventually gettiing time for the a qualifying time for the Boston Marathon somewhere in the neighborhood for 3:20:00. We'll see. Baby steps. One race at a time. So here's the plan. June is I've scheduled the Park City marathon, July the Deseret News, August On Top Of Utah Marathon, then we'll see for the rest of the year due to no more races being available in Utah to run. So we'll have to look out of state to compete or take a stab at Ultra-Marathoning which is an entirely different breed. These people run 50K to 50 miles to 100 milers. Yeah they are really crazy but more on that after I do my first. I haven't yet scheduled one but I may get one in before the end of the year. It's great fun for the family. This particular marathon offered a 1 mile run for kids. My 10 year old has been wanting to run ever since she knew 'Dad' was running. So we enrolled her in and she did great. I was so proud she finished and she was proud she finished. She placed 25th or so in the race and got a finishers medal to boot. Kudos to the reace organizers getting the kids involved in this run. It was fun had by all I;m sure. I think she'll stay with it and her next goal is to run a 5K (3.1) miles. I think it's great, this day and age to get them involved. I suppose there's worse things kids these days are in to. So more later from this realm of mine.... OUT 1/*

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

I made it through another one...

Well another six day rotation has gone by and still here to blog on. Again dealing with simple problems of people who rely on 'the system' rather than simple problem solving. I don't know what it's going to take for people to pull their heads out of their asses and deal with their own problems. Put we're here to protect and serve, even if that means the neighbors dog is barking and keeping them awake at night. Instead of being neighborly and asking them to take care of the fucking dog. But that would cause problems and they report it because 'we' are supposed to be the 'bad guys' and it's alright if we show up with an anonymous complaint and cite the neighbor for his barking dog, then it's okay. So the neighbor gets pissed off because at the whole neighborhood because he wants to know who called anonymously. It's a joke, and that's only one simple example. What the hell is the world coming to? Gas is a fucking joke, Milk is a fucking joke, porn stars with AIDS, ice cream is too cold, and water is too wet. Fuck! Wahhhhhhh! Hey listen up! Pull your socks up to your knees and get down to business! Geez, quit complaining there's nothing we can do about it! The people running shit are going to do whatever the hell they want. Why? Because they can and will try and run every aspect of our lives. It's not really a free country anymore, we're close to a socialist nation with free handout and medical care, welfare, etc. etc. So we try and get by finding those simple things in life that we find to enjoy. Personally I find a good book and a nice bottle of wine to be as fine an escape as a meth addict finds their next syringe filled with battery acid. But doper's is another rant for later. So deal with it! Talk to your neighbors if you have a problem! Don't call the authorities. Get a job and get off welfare, and shot shooting that shit in your veins it ain't going to do you any good! I know I'm an over opinionated asshole. So. This is my blog and I'll write what I feel! More later.....OUT 1/*

Thursday, May 13, 2004


Here are some leadership traits I found while searching. I believe them to be of some value. Considering the lack of them in my current situation. Read through them I hope they're enlightening. I specifically call your attention to #7. Because today I was struck with this particular one while at some training. A class role was being handed around and when it came to me to sign I noticed the Sheriff's name on the class role signed in his Sargeant's handwriting. Well the Sheriff failed to attend the training. Again later another role was handed around for the instructor. Again the Sheriff's name was on the role but this time his Capatain signed hi name for him because the Sargeant had left for one reason or another. I am clearly disgusted by this. I believe is show a complete abuse of power and by no means does it positively exemplify the position of these men. It is disheartening to think these are the men making the Law Enforcement decision for this county Well enjoy the read.... Nine Leadership Traits 1. "Charisma: Creates trust and instills confidence in people, and has a talent for conveying a sense of mission. 2. Consideration for others: Listens actively to others and pays attention to them; offers advice and coaching to people who need it, especially newcomers. 3. Intellectually challenging: Rethinks old problems in new ways, and helps others do the same. Encourages people around him to think logically and use evidence instead of offering opinion with nothing to back it up. 4. Courage: Willing to stand up for ideas, people, and what's right regardless of the risk or consequences. 5. Reliable: Keeps promises and commitments, and accepts responsibility for his or her actions and mistakes. Also, the ability to work dependably without the constant supervision of a boss. 6. Adaptability: Able to change according to the situation and handle more than one question or problem at a time. 7. Integrity: Committed to doing what's ethically right. Sets a positive example for others and doesn't abuse the privileges of power. 8. Judgment: Has the ability to make good decisions based on facts, experience, and realistic assessment of situations. Takes the opinions and experiences of other people into account. 9. Respect: Treats everyone with the same consideration, regardless of their rank or position in the organization More leadership later....OUT 1/*

Tuesday, May 11, 2004


Well, I've been thinking of doing a BLOG for some time now. I suppose to vent some of my daily frustrations with 'my' life and those happenings that are totally out of my control (at least for now). So, keeping in mind my frustrations and cynical attitude because of the profession i'm currently employed the use of foul and abusive language may be used. I'f you're offended in any way. I really don't give a shit! Get off my blog. You don't have to read it! However, it should enlighten all those who may find this space in the endless quagmire we call cyberspace. If y'all decide to comment, feel free. I'd like to hear what you have to say. Anyways, welcome to my world and all the shit I have to deal with. I'm sure your lives are very similar from day to day. So sit back and enjoy the ride. I know I do!