Thursday, May 13, 2004


Here are some leadership traits I found while searching. I believe them to be of some value. Considering the lack of them in my current situation. Read through them I hope they're enlightening. I specifically call your attention to #7. Because today I was struck with this particular one while at some training. A class role was being handed around and when it came to me to sign I noticed the Sheriff's name on the class role signed in his Sargeant's handwriting. Well the Sheriff failed to attend the training. Again later another role was handed around for the instructor. Again the Sheriff's name was on the role but this time his Capatain signed hi name for him because the Sargeant had left for one reason or another. I am clearly disgusted by this. I believe is show a complete abuse of power and by no means does it positively exemplify the position of these men. It is disheartening to think these are the men making the Law Enforcement decision for this county Well enjoy the read.... Nine Leadership Traits 1. "Charisma: Creates trust and instills confidence in people, and has a talent for conveying a sense of mission. 2. Consideration for others: Listens actively to others and pays attention to them; offers advice and coaching to people who need it, especially newcomers. 3. Intellectually challenging: Rethinks old problems in new ways, and helps others do the same. Encourages people around him to think logically and use evidence instead of offering opinion with nothing to back it up. 4. Courage: Willing to stand up for ideas, people, and what's right regardless of the risk or consequences. 5. Reliable: Keeps promises and commitments, and accepts responsibility for his or her actions and mistakes. Also, the ability to work dependably without the constant supervision of a boss. 6. Adaptability: Able to change according to the situation and handle more than one question or problem at a time. 7. Integrity: Committed to doing what's ethically right. Sets a positive example for others and doesn't abuse the privileges of power. 8. Judgment: Has the ability to make good decisions based on facts, experience, and realistic assessment of situations. Takes the opinions and experiences of other people into account. 9. Respect: Treats everyone with the same consideration, regardless of their rank or position in the organization More leadership later....OUT 1/*

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