Tuesday, May 11, 2004


Well, I've been thinking of doing a BLOG for some time now. I suppose to vent some of my daily frustrations with 'my' life and those happenings that are totally out of my control (at least for now). So, keeping in mind my frustrations and cynical attitude because of the profession i'm currently employed the use of foul and abusive language may be used. I'f you're offended in any way. I really don't give a shit! Get off my blog. You don't have to read it! However, it should enlighten all those who may find this space in the endless quagmire we call cyberspace. If y'all decide to comment, feel free. I'd like to hear what you have to say. Anyways, welcome to my world and all the shit I have to deal with. I'm sure your lives are very similar from day to day. So sit back and enjoy the ride. I know I do!

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