Friday, October 22, 2004

Poem to a friend: Snipers Regret

Snipers Regret

I wonder in the night time

I wonder who will hear

I wonder if they know........ How close, I am near

Do they have a family?

Do I give a fuck?

They will only live............. If they fucking duck!!!!

The first one did not duck, The other looks my way. I crank another round home And send him on his way.

It's baggage and I know it. Man, it really sucks. If only I'd not been thereand......... If he'd only DUCKED! Semper Fi

Patrick Johannesen USMC My 'ole buddy Herb

God what a view...breath taking

Well I've been browsing the web as we all do and did a search for and old username I used to use and found an old webpage I helped a buddy build qute a few years ago. I am shocked that it's still in tact and Yahoo hasn't removed it from their server. I am sme what glad they haven't because I haven't seen these pictures in years. If you've ever lost a friend, I mean a really good friend and then one day something happened and there's no way to recover that friendship it's rather heartbreaking. Yeah the sun still comes up in the morning and sets in the evening. But there's an emptiness in your soul and that void can never be replaced. We were good friends. Yeah we had our moments where shit wasn't right but nothing that couldn't get worked out. Then, then....I don't know what happened. Change I guess. Call it divorce, mid life crisis, I don't know out of frustration I suppose I decided to distance myself from my best friend and I suppose he decided to do the same. We worked together, I dangerous job where you need to know the other guy has your back and you can trust that guy. I had that trust in him. We served together, USMC 88-92 he was a great leader and I'm sure he still is. He had the potential here but wasted it it on hate. While there is so much to hate with the people I work with I never did sweat the shit that got to him. I guess this is my way of saying I'm sorry. Whatever it was or whatever I did. Honestly I was glad to see him go but at the same time resented him for leaving me behind. You knw the old addage "Never leave a man behind". We were better than this and we let petty shit come between us. Personally I'm ashamed of it and honestly you should be too! It's too late for all that because you're gone and doing your own thing now, have a new wife and baby. And things with the new job sound really great. I hope the best for you. Good luck and stay safe brother, you'll always be my friend

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