Sunday, October 03, 2004

St. George Marathon 10/2/2004

Well, I did it! Hooray! I have completed all the Marathon scheduled in Utah for 2004. I'm feeling preety good about the whole thing. The race was fantastic. This is my first year marathoning and what a great experience it's been. The St. George was a wonderful race with a lot of great prople spectating and rooting for their runner. The race itself was fast, mostly downhill with a kickass uphill 7% grade at mile 8 but I kicked it's ass. I would have like to get a sub 4 hour run but with all the knee problems I have been experienceing I feel my time of 4:07:23 will do for now, being it's my first year. I have learned a lot and hopefull can translate all that I've learned int becoming a better runner for the future. Thanks to all the folks who were there rooting and cheering it really makes a difference. I will post a picture a soon as I get them off my camera. Close to 5000 runners showed up to participate and what an event for me. This was my first St. George Marathon and hopefully it won't be the last.

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