Monday, January 30, 2006

Douglas McGregor's XY Theory

I find this theory right on the money. Managing people is not an easy thing to do but I truly believe if you will never get anywhere in any business following theory X. Theory Y on the other hand is ideal and again I believe any business would thrive if a good manager with tuned in personal skills is able to master this. My .02

Douglas McGregor's XY Theory, managing an X Theory boss, and William Ouchi's Theory Z

Douglas McGregor, an American social psychologist, proposed his famous X-Y theory in his 1960 book 'The Human Side Of Enterprise'. Theory x and theory y are still referred to commonly in the field of management and motivation, and whilst more recent studies have questioned the rigidity of the model, McGregor’s X-Y Theory remains a valid basic principle from which to develop positive management style and techniques. McGregor's XY Theory remains central to organizational development, and to improving organizational culture.

McGregor's X-Y theory is a salutary and simple reminder of the natural rules for managing people, which under the pressure of day-to-day business are all too easily forgotten.

McGregor maintained that there are two fundamental approaches to managing people. Many managers tend towards theory x, and generally get poor results. Enlightened managers use theory y, which produces better performance and results, and allows people to grow and develop.

Theory x ('authoritarian management' style)

  • The average person dislikes work and will avoid it he/she can.
  • Therefore most people must be forced with the threat of punishment to work towards organizational objectives.
  • The average person prefers to be directed; to avoid responsibility; is relatively unambitious, and wants security above all else.

Theory y ('participative management' style)

  • Effort in work is as natural as work and play.
  • People will apply self-control and self-direction in the pursuit of organizational objectives, without external control or the threat of punishment.
  • Commitment to objectives is a function of rewards associated with their achievement.
  • People usually accept and often seek responsibility.
  • The capacity to use a high degree of imagination, ingenuity and creativity in solving organizational problems is widely, not narrowly, distributed in the population.
  • In industry the intellectual potential of the average person is only partly utilized.

Free theory x y diagram

Free x y theory test - personal and organizational

Characteristics of the x theory manager

What are the characteristics of a Theory X manager? Typically some, most or all of these:

  • results-driven and deadline-driven, to the exclusion of everything else
  • intolerant
  • issues deadlines and ultimatums
  • distant and detached
  • aloof and arrogant
  • elitist
  • short temper
  • shouts
  • issues instructions, directions, edicts
  • issues threats to make people follow instructions
  • demands, never asks
  • does not participate
  • does not team-build
  • unconcerned about staff welfare, or morale
  • proud, sometimes to the point of self-destruction
  • one-way communicator
  • poor listener
  • fundamentally insecure and possibly neurotic
  • anti-social
  • vengeful and recriminatory
  • does not thank or praise
  • withholds rewards, and suppresses pay and remunerations levels
  • scrutinizes expenditure to the point of false economy
  • seeks culprits for failures or shortfalls
  • seeks to apportion blame instead of focusing on learning from the experience and preventing recurrence
  • does not invite or welcome suggestions
  • takes criticism badly and likely to retaliate if from below or peer group
  • poor at proper delegating - but believes they delegate well
  • thinks giving orders is delegating
  • holds on to responsibility but shifts accountability to subordinates
  • relatively unconcerned with investing in anything to gain future improvements
  • unhappy

How you can manage upwards your X theory boss:

Working for an X theory boss isn't easy - some extreme X theory managers make extremely unpleasant managers, but there are ways of managing these people upwards. Avoiding confrontation (unless you are genuinely being bullied, which is a different matter) and delivering results are the key tactics.

  • Theory X managers (or indeed theory Y managers displaying theory X behavior) are primarily results oriented - so orientate your own discussions and dealings with them around results – i.e. what you can deliver and when.
  • Theory X managers are facts and figures oriented - so cut out the incidentals, be able to measure and substantiate anything you say and do for them, especially reporting on results and activities.
  • Theory X managers generally don't understand or have an interest in the human issues, so don't try to appeal to their sense of humanity or morality. Set your own objectives to meet their organizational aims and agree these with the managers; be seen to be self-starting, self-motivating, self-disciplined and well-organized - the more the X theory manager sees you are managing yourself and producing results, the less they'll feel the need to do it for you.
  • Always deliver your commitments and promises. If you are given an unrealistic task and/or deadline state the reasons why it's not realistic, but be very sure of your ground, don't be negative; be constructive as to how the overall aim can be achieved in a way that you know you can deliver.
  • Stand up for yourself, but constructively - avoid confrontation. Never threaten or go over their heads if you are dissatisfied or you'll be in big trouble afterwards and life will be a lot more difficult.
  • If an X theory boss tells you how to do things in ways that are not comfortable or right for you, then don't questioning the process, simply confirm the end-result that is required, and check that it's okay to 'streamline the process' or 'get things done more efficiently' if the chance arises - they'll normally agree to this, which effectively gives you control over the 'how', provided you deliver the 'what' and 'when'.

And this is really the essence of managing upwards X theory managers - focus and get agreement on the results and deadlines - if you consistently deliver, you'll increasingly be given more leeway on how you go about the tasks, which amounts to more freedom. Be aware also that many X theory managers are forced to be X theory by the short-term demands of the organization and their own superiors - an X theory manager is usually someone with their own problems, so try not to give them any more.

See also the article about building self-confidence, and assertiveness techniques.

Theory z - William Ouchi

First things first - Theory Z is not a McGregor idea and as such is not McGregor’s extension of his XY theory.

Theory Z was developed by not by McGregor, but by William Ouchi, in his book 1981 'Theory Z: How American management can meet the Japanese Challenge'. William Ouchi is professor of management at UCLA, Los Angeles, and a board member of several large US organizations.

Theory Z is often referred to as the 'Japanese' management style, which is essentially what it is. It's interesting that Ouchi chose to name his model 'Theory Z', which apart from anything else tends to give the impression that it's a McGregor idea. One wonders if the idea was not considered strong enough to stand alone with a completely new name... Nevertheless, Theory Z essentially advocates a combination of all that's best about theory Y and modern Japanese management, which places a large amount of freedom and trust with workers, and assumes that workers have a strong loyalty and interest in team-working and the organization.

Theory Z also places more reliance on the attitude and responsibilities of the workers, whereas McGregor’s XY theory is mainly focused on management and motivation from the manager's and organization’s perspective. There is no doubt that Ouchi's Theory Z model offers excellent ideas, albeit it lacking the simple elegance of McGregor’s model, which let's face it, thousands of organizations’ and managers around the world have still yet to embrace. For this reason, Theory Z may for some be like trying to manage the kitchen at the Ritz before mastering the ability to cook a decent fried breakfast.

If you're interested in Mcgregor's X-Y Theory, you can view and download a free McGregor XY Theory Test, which indicates whether your organisation is more theory-X or theory-Y, as well as indicating the individual's preference to be managed by X or Y style, and a free XY Theory diagram, ideal for training, presentations and project work, at the businessballs free online resources section.

See also:

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Charles Handy

Adams' Equity Theory

McClelland's Motivational Theory

Teambuilding and motivational activities, for example the Hellespont Swim case study and exercise

And the many free diagrams and other resources on the main site, if you are not already there.

Thanks to for the insight

The Four Agreements - Don Miguel Ruiz's Code for Life

Agreement 1

Be impeccable with your word - Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.

Agreement 2

Don’t take anything personally - Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.

Agreement 3

Don’t make assumptions - Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.

Agreement 4

Always do your best - Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret.

Cherie Carter-Scott's Rules of Life

Rule One - You will receive a body. Whether you love it or hate it, it's yours for life, so accept it. What counts is what's inside.

Rule Two - You will be presented with lessons. Life is a constant learning experience, which every day provides opportunities for you to learn more. These lessons specific to you, and learning them 'is the key to discovering and fulfilling the meaning and relevance of your own life'.

Rule Three - There are no mistakes, only lessons. Your development towards wisdom is a process of experimentation, trial and error, so it's inevitable things will not always go to plan or turn out how you'd want. Compassion is the remedy for harsh judgement - of ourselves and others. Forgiveness is not only divine - it's also 'the act of erasing an emotional debt'. Behaving ethically, with integrity, and with humour - especially the ability to laugh at yourself and your own mishaps - are central to the perspective that 'mistakes' are simply lessons we must learn.

Rule Four - The lesson is repeated until learned. Lessons repeat until learned. What manifest as problems and challenges, irritations and frustrations are more lessons - they will repeat until you see them as such and learn from them. Your own awareness and your ability to change are requisites of executing this rule. Also fundamental is the acceptance that you are not a victim of fate or circumstance - 'causality' must be acknowledged; that is to say: things happen to you because of how you are and what you do. To blame anyone or anything else for your misfortunes is an escape and a denial; you yourself are responsible for you, and what happens to you. Patience is required - change doesn't happen overnight, so give change time to happen.

Rule Five - Learning does not end. While you are alive there are always lessons to be learned. Surrender to the 'rhythm of life', don't struggle against it. Commit to the process of constant learning and change - be humble enough to always acknowledge your own weaknesses, and be flexible enough to adapt from what you may be accustomed to, because rigidity will deny you the freedom of new possibilities.

Rule Six - "There" is no better than "here". The other side of the hill may be greener than your own, but being there is not the key to endless happiness. Be grateful for and enjoy what you have, and where you are on your journey. Appreciate the abundance of what's good in your life, rather than measure and amass things that do not actually lead to happiness. Living in the present helps you attain peace.

Rule Seven - Others are only mirrors of you. You love or hate something about another person according to what love or hate about yourself. Be tolerant; accept others as they are, and strive for clarity of self-awareness; strive to truly understand and have an objective perception of your own self, your thoughts and feelings. Negative experiences are opportunities to heal the wounds that you carry. Support others, and by doing so you support yourself. Where you are unable to support others it is a sign that you are not adequately attending to your own needs.

Rule Eight - What you make of your life is up to you. You have all the tools and resources you need. What you do with them is up to you. Take responsibility for yourself. Learn to let go when you cannot change things. Don't get angry about things - bitter memories clutter your mind. Courage resides in all of us - use it when you need to do what's right for you. We all possess a strong natural power and adventurous spirit, which you should draw on to embrace what lies ahead.

Rule Nine - Your answers lie inside of you. Trust your instincts and your innermost feelings, whether you hear them as a little voice or a flash of inspiration. Listen to feelings as well as sounds. Look, listen, and trust. Draw on your natural inspiration.

Rule Ten - You will forget all this at birth. We are all born with all of these capabilities - our early experiences lead us into a physical world, away from our spiritual selves, so that we become doubtful, cynical and lacking belief and confidence. The ten Rules are not commandments, they are universal truths that apply to us all. When you lose your way, call upon them. Have faith in the strength of your spirit. Aspire to be wise - wisdom the ultimate path of your life, and it knows no limits other than those you impose on yourself.

Quote of the Day

"Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood."
(Helen Keller)


This says so much...


If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you
But make allowance for their doubting too,
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream--and not make dreams your master,
If you can think--and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it all on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breath a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings--nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
If all men count with you, but none too much,
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And--which is more--you'll be a Man, my son!

--Rudyard Kipling

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

PF Chang's Rock n' Roll Marathon 2006 #15

Well, I'm back from Phoenix and my first 2006 marathon of the year and my total finished Marathons are now 15. It was a beautiful day in Phoenix and the Race was very well organized, well at least for the amount of people who participated some 33,000 people WOW!. It was the biggest event I have attended since I started marathoning in January 2004. I suppose I could be down on the race because my day wasn't the greatest but all runner's have those days and I certainly did not perform up to my personal expectations.

The course was flat and fast. Temperature was 58 at the start and around 65-70 at the finish with a slight breeze during. All in all you could't have asked for better weather. I started with a great first half having a personal best half marathon time. Then for some reason I lost all my concentration around mile 14 or 15, my legs became extremely tired and I struggled from that point on. It was very self defeating considering I finished Las Vegas with a respectable time just 5 weeks earlier. I had alot of thoughts running through my head, like, what the hell am I doing this for? Just give it up you don't need to do this anymore. You have a phone just call and your ride will come get you. It was certainly an internal will not to quit. I told myslef for 12 miles "you're not a damn quitter"! What the hell is your problem? This isn't your firs rodeo, keep your legs moving Jackass! I did and finished and sometimes finishing is the key (I suppose). I would have loved to have done better but, it wasn't myday.

Kudos to ALL the folks that helped out and those who just came to watch or support their own runner on the course. Thanks for the support it means a lot to all the runners who show up. Even if it's not acknowleged on the course. But I personally have a lot of gratitude for those folks who scream and yell and prod, 'you're almost there' 'It's just around the corner' 'you're looking good' all those things help get you to the finish line. So a big thanks to the prople of Phoenix for letting 30,000 people invade your city and shut it down for several hours. And to all the volunteers who hand out water and powearde you all are what makes these races what they are.

Maybe the next race will be better. At least I'm hoping! Keep Training!

Monday, January 09, 2006

Allah or Jesus?

Allah or Jesus

The Muslim religion is the fastest growing religion per capita in the United States, especially in the minority races!

By Rick Mathes

Last month I attended my annual training session that's required for maintaining my state prison security clearance. During the training session there was a presentation by three speakers representing the Roman Catholic, Protestant and Muslim faiths, who explained each of their belief systems. I was particularly interested in what the Islamic Imam had to say.

The Imam gave a great presentation of the basics of Islam, complete with a video. After the presentations, time was provided for questions and answers.When it was my turn, I directed my question to the Imam and asked, "Please, correct me if I'm wrong, but I understand that most Imams and clerics of Islam have declared a holy jihad [Holy war] against the infidels of the world. And, that by killing an infidel, which is a command to all Muslims, they are assured of a place in heaven. If that's the case, can you give me the definition of an infidel?" There was no disagreement with my statements and without hesitation, he replied, "Non-believers!" I responded, "So, let me make sure I have this straight. All followers of Allah have been commanded to kill everyone who is not of your faith so they can go to Heaven. Is that correct?" The expression on his face changed from one of authority and command to that of a little boy who had just gotten caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He sheepishly replied, "Yes." I then stated, "Well, sir, I have a real problem trying to imagine Pope John Paul commanding all Catholics to kill those of your faith or Dr.Stanley ordering Protestants to do the same in order to go to Heaven!" The Imam was speechless. I continued, "I also have a problem with being your friend when you and your brother clerics are telling your followers to kill me.

Let me ask you a question. Would you rather have your Allah who tells you to kill me in order to go to Heaven or my Jesus who tells me to love you because I am going to Heaven and He wants you to be with me?" You could have heard a pin drop as the Imam hung his head in shame. Needless to say, the organizers and/or promoters of the 'Diversification' training seminar were not happy with Rick's way of dealing with the Islamic, Imam and exposing the truth about the Muslim's beliefs. I think everyone in the US should be required to read this, but with the liberal justice system, liberal media, and the ACLU, there is no way this will be widely publicized.

Please pass this on to all your e-mail contacts. This is a true story and the author, Rick Mathes, is a well-known leader in prison ministry

Friday, January 06, 2006

Another Truism

A Somali arrives in Minneapolis as a new immigrant to the United States. He stops the first person he sees walking down the street and says, "Thank you Mr. American for letting me in this country, and giving me housing, food stamps, free medical care and free education!" But the passerby says "You are mistaken, I am Mexican". The man goes on and encounters another passerby. "Thank you for having such a beautiful country here in America!" The person says "I no American, I Vietnamese." The new arrival walks further, and the next person he sees he stops, shakes his hand and says "Thank you for the wonderful America!" That person puts up his hand and says "I am from Middle East, I am not an American!" He finally sees a nice lady and asks suspiciously, "Are you an American?" She says, "No, I am from Russia!" So he is puzzled, and asks her, "Where are all the Americans?" The Russian lady looks at her watch, shrugs, and says... "Probably at work...."

How True...

A true friend is the best possession.
-Benjamin Franklin
It's really a shame this day and age they're few and far between!

Going to Phoenix

Well the holidays are over. Another year. And what a year it's been personally it's been a year I will be happy to soon forget, with difficulties at work and on the homefront. But survival is key. So out with the old and in with the NEW.
So I turn to training more and more. I've decided to drive to Phoenix and run the PF Chang Rock n' Roll Marathon. It looks like it will be one hell of a party. So I'll pack up and leave next friday. It will have been about six weeks since my last and I hate to go any longer without running a marathon. Phoenix in January! Could it get any better? So I'm looking forward to that.

I saddled back up on my bike an did about 20 miles this weekend. The ride started out wonderful and it was nice to get back on after a small break to prep for all the running I did in the fall. About 30 minutes into the ride the temp dropped considerably and got frigid with a wind chill. Plus my bike was not cooperating well with me. My derailluer was not shifting right and kept shifting out of the gear I wanted to be in. I'm quite a novice cyclist and don't know much about building and maintenance, so I went to Barnes & Noble and found some books that will hopefully give me a clue how to tune the damn thing up. I hate having to pay someone to tune up my bike.

Well Happy New Year to all.

Always Remeber

While I say not to forget our courageous troops serving overseas, let us not forget the valiant warriors on the homefront who go to work for on a daily basis fighting the unknown for less than they deserve. They deserve the same honor and respect. They too were father's, mother's, uncles, aunts had children and were someboy's son or daughter.

Police groups say 153 officers died in the line of duty in 2005

The Associated Press

WASHINGTON- Two law enforcement groups said Friday that 153 officers have died in the line of duty so far in 2005, with the majority killed in traffic accidents and shootings.

The number, just one fewer than the 154 reported killed in 2004, marks a continued downward trend over the last 30 years, according to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund and Concerns of Police Survivors. The groups compiled the deaths from reports through Dec. 22.

Traffic-related accidents claimed the lives of 62 officers in 2005. The ranks of officers killed in traffic accidents has risen 40 percent in the last 30 years, according to the groups.

Another 60 died in 2005 in shootings, including firearms training accidents. Physical-related incidents, including heart attacks and heat stroke, accounted for 20 more deaths.

Other deaths included two fatalities in a helicopter crash, one in a bomb-related incident, one in a stabbing, two in drownings and three in falls.

"The increased use of body armor, better training and, more recently, the advent of less-lethal weaponry have all played a role in bringing these numbers down," said National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund Chairman Craig W. Floyd.

Excluding the 234 officers killed in the Sept. 11 attacks, 160 officers have been killed each year on average over the past decade, the groups said. The annual average was 220 through the 1970s.

California continued to have the most officers killed in the line of duty, with 17. Texas, with 14, and Georgia, with 10, followed. Nine federal officers died.

Just four of the overall deaths involved women officers.

The groups plan to add the 153 names over the next few months to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington, D.C. The memorial lists the names of more than 17,000 officers killed in the line of duty since 1792.

There are an estimated 800,000 state, federal and local officers in the United States, according to the most recent available numbers from the Bureau of Justice Statistics.

This is why!

We're doing what we're doing. Need we say more. There are evil folks in the world who want to KILL and that is their soul purpose. I say kill the bastards and let Allah sort'em out!!

Winds of Change

God Bless America and our Troops!

Germany Secretly Frees Hezbollah Terrorist

This truly makes me sick. Apparently the Krauts aren't our friends. Once again the U.S. stands alone. I thought the new German Prime Minister was against terrorism???

By Debbie Schlussel

In June, we wrote about the 20th anniversary of hijacking of TWA flight 847 and murder of Navy diver Robert Dean Stethem by Hezbollah terrorists.

Stethem was a true American hero. Only 23 years old, he was tortured, beaten, and trampled to death by the Hezbollah terrorists for the crimes of being an American, a U.S. serviceman, and refusing--to his last breath--to denounce America.

We're sad to report that yet another prediction of ours has now come true. We predicted in June that Mohammad Ali Hamadi, one of the Hezbollah terrorists who murdered Stethem, would be released by the German government.

On Friday, the Stethem Family informed us that our worst fears have been realized and that Hamadi will not face justice for his brutal act of terrorism. Germany secretly released Hamadi to freedom in Lebanon.

Robert Dean Stethem, American Hero, RIP

The German government captured Hamadi in 1987. (Stethem's other three murderers--Imad Fayez Mugniyeh, Hasan Izz-Al-Din, Ali Atwa--remain free, and are believed to be in Lebanon, Iran, or Syria.) Hamadi was carrying liquid explosives that were the same kind used in previous explosive terrorist attacks in France and Germany. Unfortunately, because Germany opposed our death penalty, Hamadi--who remains under indictment in the U.S.--was tried by the German government, not ours. He was given life in prison without the possibility of parole. But there was always an understanding that Hamadi would be extradited to the U.S. to face justice, if the Germans ever released him.

Germany kept none of its promises and showed the world that it really has no resolve in fighting terrorism. The Stethem family learned Friday that Hamadi was released to freedom. Despite a sentence of life without parole, Hamadi was up for parole twice and served only 16 years in prison. And unlike all other extraditions sought by the U.S. under an extradition treaty with Germany, Germany violated the extradition treaty and Hamadi's extradition was not granted. Reportedly, Germany did this for two reasons 1) to gain the release of a female German hostage, Susanne Osthoff (a German convert to Islam), from terrorists in Iraq (apparently, the Germans do negotiate with terrorists); and Hezbollah has a strong connection with the ones in Iraq); and 2) in retribution for reported CIA terrorist camps in Europe. This is an outrage.

What's worse is that Germany released Hamadi clandestinely and provided armed security to escort him to freedom in Lebanon, where his two brothers and other family members are high-ranking Hezbollah officers. Hezbollah-dominated and Syrian-controlled Lebanon--where Hamadi is a hero for murdering Stethem--will never extradite Hamadi to the U.S. to face justice.

The Stethem family is very upset. And all of us should be, too.

Germany is supposed to be our ally in the War on Terror. But actions like freeing Hamadi clearly demonstrate otherwise. The fact that the U.S. government is not making a big deal out of this also speaks volumes.

Before 9/11, Hezbollah murdered more Americans than any other terrorist group. Both the Wall Street Journal and New York Times have confirmed that Hezbollah is a component of the Al-Qaeda network and is training Al-Qaeda terrorists at camps in Lebanon. Both have also reported that Hezbollah is training insurgents who murder our troops in Iraq. British Prime Minister Tony Blair recently reported that Qaeda explosives used in Iraq bear the trademarks of Hezbollah "craftsmanship."

But instead of publicly denouncing the actions of the Hezbollah and the German government in allowing a Hezbollah terrorist and murderer go free, our government is making nice with the enemy.

Top ranking federal officials--U.S. Attorney Stephen Murphy III, FBI Special Agent in Charge for Michigan Daniel Roberts, ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) Special Agent in Charge for Michigan and Ohio Brian Moskowitz, Citizenship and Immigration Services official Carol Jenifer--recently broke pita at the Detroit-area mosque of one of Hezbollah's and Iran's top agents in the United States. They laughed with him about Hezbollah being on the State Department terrorist list, seeming to scratch their heads as to why it's on the list. They clapped enthusiastically when he described what's going on in Southern Lebanon as "resistance, not terrorism."

It's not rocket science to make correct predictions like we make on this site--that Hamadi would be set free or that Islamic Jihad frontman Sami Al-Arian would be acquitted. Clueless, spineless appeasers like Murphy, Roberts, Moskowitz, and Jenifer, and the German government are running the show--and that makes the prospect of terrorists going free very predictable.

Robert Stethem must be looking down from Heaven and trying to make sense of what is happening here on mortal earth. He was an American patriot and for that, faced a brutal, early death. He would have been around 43, today. Around the same age, Murphy, Roberts, Moskowitz et al are patriotic only to themselves and their aggressive ambitions--and each continues to be promoted. When President Bush said, "You are either on our side or the terrorists' side," his own federal officials who oversee these three must not have been listening. (Moskowitz' boss, ICE Director of Investigations Marcy Forman-Friedman, reportedly told other ICE officials that she's glad Moskowitz "smoothed things over with the Islamic community of Detroit." That, not catching terrorists, is the priority at ICE.)

A lot has changed in 20 years since Robert Stethem gave his life in service to America. And not for the better. There is only one thing that hasn't changed: Robert Stethem and his family deserve justice.

And they have yet to get it.

Back at it!

Well this week has been quite news worthy. With the Patriot Act renewal no opinion! And let's see here then there's am I a big bang a primate in wait ready to evolve into an alien or did the aliens design me through their superior Intelligence. You know what, does it really matter(no pun intended)? That's my opinion! The right winger's can find argument and the left can do the same. What do we really know? I know I'm alive and hope to keep living for quite some time. How I got here and where I'm, that's awfully deep! Some spend their whole lives pondering the subject. Whatever dogma you believe in, good on ya! Keep up the good work as long as you believe you're making a difference and becoming a better person by believing in it.

On a lighter note I'd like to give recognition to all the troops deployed in Iraq, Afghanistan and all over the world. Thanks you make me proud to be an American.

I'm back on shift tonight and must work through the Holidays again. It's a small price to pay when I think about all the folks overseas who won't be with their loved one's. I've been there and know the difficult time some if not all are having at this time of year. So, I'll keep our home front safe for ya!

I'm gearing up for and looking forward to a list of 2006 marathons. Already back on the road and training for the next 5,6,7 for next year. If ya'll have any good ones to run let me know. I'm going to get my 50 states if it kills me, 47 remaining. Got a 10 miler in today and it felt great.

Quote of the week

People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can't find them, make the
- George Bernard Shaw


Here is an interesting little history of the nickname I have adopted. The german word as spelled below is the common german spelling of the word, however the 't' on the end can also be seen as a spelling of the word and I am assuming as with many words in the english language, the 't' has been picked up somewhere along the line in history.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Totenkopf is the German word for "Death's Head" and is used to describe a military insignia featuring a skull above crossed bones. It is distinguished from the similar traditions of the skull and crossbones and the Jolly Roger by the fact that the bones are positioned directly behind the skull and the lower jaw bone is absent.
Field Marshal August von Mackensen wearing a hat with the totenkopf insignia
Field Marshal August von Mackensen wearing a hat with the totenkopf insignia

Today the symbol and its name are mostly associated with Nazi Germany, particularly the SS and Waffen-SS. However, the use of the symbol as a military insignia began with the cavalry of the Prussian army under Frederick the Great. In Russia, the use of this symbol can be traced even further back: during the Tatar occupation, Christian Orthodox warrior monks going to battle used to wear this symbol (called "Adam's Head").

Frederick formed Husaren-Regiment Nr.5 (von Ruesch), a Hussar regiment commanded by Colonel von Ruesch. These Hussars adopted a black uniform with a Totenkopf emblazoned on the front of their Mirletons and wore it on the field in the War of Austrian Succession and in the Seven Years' War.
Hussar from Husaren-Regiment Nr.5 (von Ruesch) in 1744 with the Totenkopf on the Mirleton
Hussar from Husaren-Regiment Nr.5 (von Ruesch) in 1744 with the Totenkopf on the Mirleton
In 1808, when the regiment was reformed into Leib-Husaren Regiments Nr.1 and Nr.2, the Totenkopf remained a part of the uniform.
Prussia was not the only nation to use the Totenkopf. The Kingdom of Sweden's Hussar Regiments wore it in the Prussian Style on the front of the Mirleton. The Russian Kornilov regiment adopted it in 1917.

During the Napoleonic Wars, when Frederick Duke of Brunswick-Luneburg was killed in battle, his troops changed the colour of their uniforms to black, with a Totenkopf on their Shakos in mourning their dead leader (Other sources claim that the "Black Brunswickers" were so equipped while Friedrich Wilhelm of Brunswick lived, as a sign of revenge on the French [1]). The deaths head continued to be used throughout the Prussian and Brunswick Armed forces until 1918.

The Totenkopf was used throughout the inter-war period, most prominently by the Freikorps. In 1933 it was in use by the regimental staff and the 1st, 5th, and 11th squadrons of the Reichswehr's 5th Cavalry Regiment.

In the early days of the NSDAP, Julius Schreck, the leader of the Stabswache (Adolf Hitler's bodyguard unit), adopted the Totenkopf for his unit. In 1935, the Stabswache was renamed as the Schutzstaffel (SS) and the SS continued to use the Totenkopf as insignia throughout their brief history. As they had done with the Swastika, the Nazis simply adopted the Totenkopf from the historical tradition and used it for their own purposes, leaving it marked with a stigma that has continued to the present.

Regimental cap badge of the Queen's Royal Lancers
Regimental cap badge of the Queen's Royal Lancers
The skull with crossed bones is also the current insignia of a regiment in the British Army, the Queen's Royal Lancers. The badge has been used by the Lancers since 1759.

Moving Right Along...

Now on to other things.

My saga continues along the lines of my contempt. I try not to focus too much of my time on this matter but it does consume a lot of my time because of the nature of the job. This job is all consuming with the expectation of living at a "higher standard" than the rest of the community. Well, the nature of the beast will always prevail. We're all human and if I remember correctly "to err is human". When we fall off the wagon we all have the responsibility to get up dust ourselves off, pull our socks up and get back on the damn wagon! Get our lives in order and move on.
John24871, You brought up a thought in my mind about country life. I'm a city boy by birth and a country boy by choice. There are certain perks about living in a small rural area and then there are just as many reasons to hate living in said area. One of the worst things in my opinion about country life is.....well, you have NO LIFE. At least one that isn't invaded by the rest of the miserable people in the community. I say miserable because these people are just that. And I've come to the realization that they want the rest of the "happy" people to be as miserable as they are. It's truly a sad conundrum. It sucks you in and won't let go.
So on to my true passions in life. First, would be my kids I've got 2 great kids. One of each and when that happened I figured that was all she wrote and in these times all I could afford. I have a wonderful wife for the time being but you know how relationships go. My kids will always be my kids, no changing that. I enjoy shooting precision rifle I currently shoot a Texas Brigade Armory M40A3 built my former Marine Mike Lau. Mike builds an exceptional rifle and if you'd like to see his work go to
I am also a runner. To deflate from the stress of life I run marathons. I have a friend who introduced me into this lifestyle (and it is definitely a lifestyle) in the late summer/fall of 2003 in preparation for my first marathon I scheduled to run in Las Vegas in January of 2004. I've been running since I was a young lad in the Marine Corps when I learned fitness is key to a sound mind and body. So I prepared to run this marathon and followed a program prepared by my friend who happens to be a practicing physician. And race day came prepared or not I was going to finish this task I had prepared for. You ask...I ask...who the HELL would endure 26.2 miles? It was an amazing experience, one I wouldn't trade for anything. It was one of the most difficult things I have yet to experience in my life. Yet I finished in a little over 5 hours. That's right 5 hours of running. I wanted to quit! Man did I want to quit. But, I've never quit anything I've ever started no matter the level of difficulty. I figured I endure Marine Corps boot camp I can endure this! I did. As I crossed that finish line I felt an incredible sense of accomplishment in an almost spiritual way. And since January 2004 I have finished to date 14 Marathons within the state and surrounding states. Every race/run has been different with it's own level of difficulty and challenges. I think that's why I keep returning.
Other things on my list of things to occupy my time are; fishing, camping, etc., etc. and all that good manly stuff we all like to do. I don't really hunt anymore unless it's a two legged critter. I decided I'm not mad at the four legged critters anymore. I can hunt the two legged kind if the job allows.


It's an interesting word to say the least. If you're unaware of it's meaning let me assist in educating you for a moment.

The Webster Dictionary Defines 'Contempt' as:

1. The feeling or attitude of regarding someone or something as inferior, base, or worthless; scorn.
2. The state of being despised or dishonored; disgrace.
3. Open disrespect or willful disobedience of the authority of a court of law or legislative body.

Well that's exactly how I feel about the current administration running this small rural county's law enforcement. Namely 'The Elected One' who will remain nameless of course to protect the GUILTY! (We'll get to that later)

Let me ask anyone who may stumble across this meaningless internet blog. How would John Q. Public feel if you were aware the person you voted for was an outright lying, cheating no good piece of trash. Lacking any human morals or ethics. Now let me pose this to you. You've just elected him as the Chief Law Enforcement Officer and is the HMFIC. What do you do? Better yet you work for this crooked bastard and find out he's dirty. What do you do?

Well let's hear it? Chime in!

Well it gets worse, and worse. The Readers Digest version of this story is the bastard comes up for re-election in '06 and the SOB better get ousted. But I have limited confidence in the knuckleheads who vote in this pitiful area. They'll probably re-elect the bastard again! How sad that would be. If they only knew. Politicians what good are they?

Well that's all for now. The saga will continue so stand by