Friday, January 06, 2006

Moving Right Along...

Now on to other things.

My saga continues along the lines of my contempt. I try not to focus too much of my time on this matter but it does consume a lot of my time because of the nature of the job. This job is all consuming with the expectation of living at a "higher standard" than the rest of the community. Well, the nature of the beast will always prevail. We're all human and if I remember correctly "to err is human". When we fall off the wagon we all have the responsibility to get up dust ourselves off, pull our socks up and get back on the damn wagon! Get our lives in order and move on.
John24871, You brought up a thought in my mind about country life. I'm a city boy by birth and a country boy by choice. There are certain perks about living in a small rural area and then there are just as many reasons to hate living in said area. One of the worst things in my opinion about country life is.....well, you have NO LIFE. At least one that isn't invaded by the rest of the miserable people in the community. I say miserable because these people are just that. And I've come to the realization that they want the rest of the "happy" people to be as miserable as they are. It's truly a sad conundrum. It sucks you in and won't let go.
So on to my true passions in life. First, would be my kids I've got 2 great kids. One of each and when that happened I figured that was all she wrote and in these times all I could afford. I have a wonderful wife for the time being but you know how relationships go. My kids will always be my kids, no changing that. I enjoy shooting precision rifle I currently shoot a Texas Brigade Armory M40A3 built my former Marine Mike Lau. Mike builds an exceptional rifle and if you'd like to see his work go to
I am also a runner. To deflate from the stress of life I run marathons. I have a friend who introduced me into this lifestyle (and it is definitely a lifestyle) in the late summer/fall of 2003 in preparation for my first marathon I scheduled to run in Las Vegas in January of 2004. I've been running since I was a young lad in the Marine Corps when I learned fitness is key to a sound mind and body. So I prepared to run this marathon and followed a program prepared by my friend who happens to be a practicing physician. And race day came prepared or not I was going to finish this task I had prepared for. You ask...I ask...who the HELL would endure 26.2 miles? It was an amazing experience, one I wouldn't trade for anything. It was one of the most difficult things I have yet to experience in my life. Yet I finished in a little over 5 hours. That's right 5 hours of running. I wanted to quit! Man did I want to quit. But, I've never quit anything I've ever started no matter the level of difficulty. I figured I endure Marine Corps boot camp I can endure this! I did. As I crossed that finish line I felt an incredible sense of accomplishment in an almost spiritual way. And since January 2004 I have finished to date 14 Marathons within the state and surrounding states. Every race/run has been different with it's own level of difficulty and challenges. I think that's why I keep returning.
Other things on my list of things to occupy my time are; fishing, camping, etc., etc. and all that good manly stuff we all like to do. I don't really hunt anymore unless it's a two legged critter. I decided I'm not mad at the four legged critters anymore. I can hunt the two legged kind if the job allows.

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