Tuesday, January 17, 2006

PF Chang's Rock n' Roll Marathon 2006 #15

Well, I'm back from Phoenix and my first 2006 marathon of the year and my total finished Marathons are now 15. It was a beautiful day in Phoenix and the Race was very well organized, well at least for the amount of people who participated some 33,000 people WOW!. It was the biggest event I have attended since I started marathoning in January 2004. I suppose I could be down on the race because my day wasn't the greatest but all runner's have those days and I certainly did not perform up to my personal expectations.

The course was flat and fast. Temperature was 58 at the start and around 65-70 at the finish with a slight breeze during. All in all you could't have asked for better weather. I started with a great first half having a personal best half marathon time. Then for some reason I lost all my concentration around mile 14 or 15, my legs became extremely tired and I struggled from that point on. It was very self defeating considering I finished Las Vegas with a respectable time just 5 weeks earlier. I had alot of thoughts running through my head, like, what the hell am I doing this for? Just give it up you don't need to do this anymore. You have a phone just call and your ride will come get you. It was certainly an internal will not to quit. I told myslef for 12 miles "you're not a damn quitter"! What the hell is your problem? This isn't your firs rodeo, keep your legs moving Jackass! I did and finished and sometimes finishing is the key (I suppose). I would have loved to have done better but, it wasn't myday.

Kudos to ALL the folks that helped out and those who just came to watch or support their own runner on the course. Thanks for the support it means a lot to all the runners who show up. Even if it's not acknowleged on the course. But I personally have a lot of gratitude for those folks who scream and yell and prod, 'you're almost there' 'It's just around the corner' 'you're looking good' all those things help get you to the finish line. So a big thanks to the prople of Phoenix for letting 30,000 people invade your city and shut it down for several hours. And to all the volunteers who hand out water and powearde you all are what makes these races what they are.

Maybe the next race will be better. At least I'm hoping! Keep Training!

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