Friday, January 06, 2006

Back at it!

Well this week has been quite news worthy. With the Patriot Act renewal no opinion! And let's see here then there's am I a big bang a primate in wait ready to evolve into an alien or did the aliens design me through their superior Intelligence. You know what, does it really matter(no pun intended)? That's my opinion! The right winger's can find argument and the left can do the same. What do we really know? I know I'm alive and hope to keep living for quite some time. How I got here and where I'm, that's awfully deep! Some spend their whole lives pondering the subject. Whatever dogma you believe in, good on ya! Keep up the good work as long as you believe you're making a difference and becoming a better person by believing in it.

On a lighter note I'd like to give recognition to all the troops deployed in Iraq, Afghanistan and all over the world. Thanks you make me proud to be an American.

I'm back on shift tonight and must work through the Holidays again. It's a small price to pay when I think about all the folks overseas who won't be with their loved one's. I've been there and know the difficult time some if not all are having at this time of year. So, I'll keep our home front safe for ya!

I'm gearing up for and looking forward to a list of 2006 marathons. Already back on the road and training for the next 5,6,7 for next year. If ya'll have any good ones to run let me know. I'm going to get my 50 states if it kills me, 47 remaining. Got a 10 miler in today and it felt great.

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