Friday, January 06, 2006


It's an interesting word to say the least. If you're unaware of it's meaning let me assist in educating you for a moment.

The Webster Dictionary Defines 'Contempt' as:

1. The feeling or attitude of regarding someone or something as inferior, base, or worthless; scorn.
2. The state of being despised or dishonored; disgrace.
3. Open disrespect or willful disobedience of the authority of a court of law or legislative body.

Well that's exactly how I feel about the current administration running this small rural county's law enforcement. Namely 'The Elected One' who will remain nameless of course to protect the GUILTY! (We'll get to that later)

Let me ask anyone who may stumble across this meaningless internet blog. How would John Q. Public feel if you were aware the person you voted for was an outright lying, cheating no good piece of trash. Lacking any human morals or ethics. Now let me pose this to you. You've just elected him as the Chief Law Enforcement Officer and is the HMFIC. What do you do? Better yet you work for this crooked bastard and find out he's dirty. What do you do?

Well let's hear it? Chime in!

Well it gets worse, and worse. The Readers Digest version of this story is the bastard comes up for re-election in '06 and the SOB better get ousted. But I have limited confidence in the knuckleheads who vote in this pitiful area. They'll probably re-elect the bastard again! How sad that would be. If they only knew. Politicians what good are they?

Well that's all for now. The saga will continue so stand by

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