Friday, January 06, 2006

Going to Phoenix

Well the holidays are over. Another year. And what a year it's been personally it's been a year I will be happy to soon forget, with difficulties at work and on the homefront. But survival is key. So out with the old and in with the NEW.
So I turn to training more and more. I've decided to drive to Phoenix and run the PF Chang Rock n' Roll Marathon. It looks like it will be one hell of a party. So I'll pack up and leave next friday. It will have been about six weeks since my last and I hate to go any longer without running a marathon. Phoenix in January! Could it get any better? So I'm looking forward to that.

I saddled back up on my bike an did about 20 miles this weekend. The ride started out wonderful and it was nice to get back on after a small break to prep for all the running I did in the fall. About 30 minutes into the ride the temp dropped considerably and got frigid with a wind chill. Plus my bike was not cooperating well with me. My derailluer was not shifting right and kept shifting out of the gear I wanted to be in. I'm quite a novice cyclist and don't know much about building and maintenance, so I went to Barnes & Noble and found some books that will hopefully give me a clue how to tune the damn thing up. I hate having to pay someone to tune up my bike.

Well Happy New Year to all.

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